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Thanks Coach (Daniel) Fetter!

Many hands make light work. It takes a lot of help to coach and manage as many teams as we have in our organization. As players move on or take seasons off and we add new ones we inevitable have turnover in our assistant coaches. We added some new ones the last couple of seasons that have been great additions! Looking forward to baseball we are projecting a full staff at every level! I thank these volunteer dads (& moms etc.) personally and we recognize them at season end when we do medals. However, there is one in particular I wanted to single out.

Daniel Fetter has been with us for some time. If you’ve been with us a while you may know him but as of late he has been unable to be as involved in practices as he used to be. Nevertheless he is active behind the scenes as I will seek his insights, input, and experience in athletics and coaching. More recently he helped us with our baseball equipment inventory, made some repairs, and donated some new equipment. If he did it for recognition he wouldn’t be doing it behind the scenes. That being said, we love having Coach Fetter as part of UnFettered Athletics and greatly appreciate all he does for us. Thanks Coach!

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